Feedback Conversations Masterclass
Feedback Conversations Masterclass
Is giving feedback tricky or uncomfortable?
Do you avoid giving feedback because it feels hard?
Do you worry feedback may have a negative impact on the other person or on your relationship with them?
Giving and receiving feedback can be the trickiest conversations we have to navigate at work.
If feedback conversations are managed well, they can be pivotal in supporting optimal learning and development in our colleagues.
However, they can be very difficult and even triggering for both people involved, or be damaging to your collegial relationships. As a result, we may avoid giving feedback and lose out on the excellent benefits that they can provide.
This Feedback Conversations Masterclass explores the 4 critical elements to provide empowering and constructive feedback:
Manage ourselves well, so we are solid, not wobbly, or fearful about giving feedback
Build collegial relationships that can handle feedback well
Develop a solid preparation process for proving feedback
Explore a clear strategy for providing positively impactful feedback
This is a highly practical session that will enable you to apply the learning immediately to your own professional situations.
In order to register please click the button below

Why is emotional intelligence (EI) so critical to a healthy workplace?
Do you have some questions that you would like to ask me?
I have decided to offer some Ask Michelle Anything sessions from time to time.
Would you like to join our first one?
On Tuesday, 7 March, at 12.30-1.00 pm, I am running an open zoom session for my esteemed colleagues and clients to 'Ask me anything!'
I know that questions sometimes pop up throughout your day, whether they be about leadership, self-leadership, thriving at work, psychological safety, emotional intelligence, supervision or workplace dynamics. So this is an opportunity for you to ask me that question and also to hear what others are asking.
In order to attend the zoom please register by clicking the link below and asking your question in advance so I have time to consider my response, look for themes in the questions and compile them.
I am really excited about offering this time and look forward to seeing you at 9.15am on Friday 21 October over zoom.

Ask Michelle Anything
Do you have some questions that you would like to ask me?
I have decided to offer some Ask Michelle Anything sessions from time to time.
Would you like to join our first one?
On Friday, 21 October, at 9.15-10 am, I am running an open zoom session for my esteemed colleagues and clients to 'Ask me anything!'
I know that questions sometimes pop up throughout your day, whether they be about leadership, self-leadership, thriving at work, psychological safety, emotional intelligence, supervision or workplace dynamics. So this is an opportunity for you to ask me that question and also to hear what others are asking.
In order to attend the zoom please register by clicking the link below and asking your question in advance so I have time to consider my response, look for themes in the questions and compile them.
I am really excited about offering this time and look forward to seeing you at 9.15am on Friday 21 October over zoom.

Webinar: How to build well-being in your team
Protective & Risk Factors
A positive and supportive team environment, built on goodwill, respect, kindness and appreciation nourishes everyone in the team.
This webinar will explore ways to build protective factors and reduce risk factors that will support the wellbeing of your team.
Michelle will provide some short term and longer term strategies to create a positive team environment that supports well-being.
Webinar details
Join my 45 minute free webinar.
Date: Tuesday 31 August 2021
Time: 4.00pm - 4.45pm
Register by using the button below.
The webinar will be recorded and distributed for those who are unable to attend on the day.

Thriving Professional Women - Q&A
Could you, or someone you know, benefit from investing more in self-leadership?
As women, we are so often leading and giving out to others, but neglect to hone our self-leadership skills and as a result do not optimise our capacity to thrive.
The first cohort of the Thriving Professional Women’s program has been a game-changer for many of the participants. The feedback has been so rewarding. The participants have attributed major positive changes, including promotions, confidence and increased energy in their professional and personal lives.
We are so thrilled to hear this and want to spread this empowering wisdom further so we have decided to offer another program running late July 2021 to May 2022.
Invitation to a Q&A for the Thriving Professional Women Program 2021/2022
Since launching the second round of this program to my network I have been asked a variety of questions so thought a Q&A session may be valuable to those who are interested in the program and to hear what others have gained from it.
I have asked two of my colleagues who have attended the program to come along to the session to give you their experiences of the course.
I would love for you to join the session (or forward this on to your female colleagues/friends/relatives) by registering using the link below.
If you would like to send questions through to me prior you would be very welcome to email me here.
Thriving Professional Women
How we relate to and lead ourselves may be one of the few things we can truly control and influence in our lives.
Although we look for exceptional leadership from others, we often overlook being the best leaders to ourselves.
I have designed Thriving Professional Women specifically to enable a group of savvy professional women to work together over a 10-month period. The program will be delivered online, ensuring participation from anywhere in Australia or New Zealand, and in response to COVID19 challenges.
Most of us have never been given a clear approach to lead ourselves well, or had role models that demonstrated inspiring self-leadership., transformative self-leadership would have to be one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.
Further information on the program, is outlined here
Zoom Q&A details
Date:Wednesday 15 June 2021
Time: 5.00pm - 6.00pm
Register by using the button below.

Webinar: Why Self-Leadership?
Why Self-Leadership?
Self-leadership is a game-changer when we want to be the best version of ourselves. It helps us think, learn and relate effectively, optimising our skills, talents and potential. Self-leadership is leading ourselves from the inside-out. It’s the influence we use to shape our behaviours and thoughts to live and work in alignment with our values, aspirations, strengths and talents.
Emotional Intelligence expert Daniel Goleman highlights the value of self-leadership: “Exceptional leaders distinguish themselves because of superior self-leadership”. Every time we speak to ourselves, we are building an internal relationship that can support or undermine us.
Join Michelle …. Where she will explore the 7 compelling reasons we need to invest in self-leadership and provide you with tips on optimal self-leadership.
Join me in a free webinar where I will explore some key concepts in self-leadership drawn from my book 'Leading Above the Line'
Webinar details
Join my 45 minute free webinar.
Date: Tuesday 11 May 2021
Time: 4.00pm - 4.45pm
Register by using the button below.
The webinar will be recorded for those who are unable to attend on the day.

VID21 Conference - Leading Above the Line
Gary Hamel says ‘It’s impossible to build an organisation that’s fit for the future, without building one that’s fit for human beings.’
The workplace climate can be increasingly harsh, even hostile, to us functioning well. A poor interpersonal and psychological climate affects how the human brain functions, making it harder for everyone to think, learn and relate effectively.
The crisis of COVID-19 has provided a once in a lifetime opportunity of enforced reflection on our workplaces. Having deeply reflected on the importance of the psychological and mental health of our team environment, many of us have a greater awareness of where our workplace has fallen short. As leaders, we’re challenged by the responsibility of positively influencing the workplace climate at an extremely challenging point of time.
When we lead ourselves and other above the line, we create a positive ecosystem where people can shine.
This presentation will address how to lead yourself, your colleagues, and your team above the line. It explores practical ways to apply neuroscience and psychological research to cultivate an interpersonally healthy environment when people and organisations can flourish.
To book your spot to hear me and many others please follow this link - https://vid21conference.com/tickets

Thriving Professional Women 2021 - 10 month program
Thriving Professional Women 2021
Women thrive in supportive hubs and villages.
We thrive in psychologically safe communities where we feel both well supported AND challenged to step forward and outside of our comfort zone.
We are hungry to live life to the beat of our own drum. As women we are freeing ourselves from the burdens of others’ unreasonable expectations and projections.
What we as professional women are capable of can sit outside our own vision. We might be clouded by fear and doubt. The value of finding a small welcoming group of women who can hold a vision of what we are capable of is immeasurable.
I would say that over my 3 decades of working and learning, that my best learning experiences where those that were extremely supportive and yet challenged me to step up beyond what I thought possible.
We know that growth doesn’t happen in a comfort zone, that we need inspiration and ……. to stretch into our potential and thrive.
The pathway to a thriving professional life depends on our capacity to lead ourselves well, to build skills and competencies that enable us to flourish.
The latest neurosciences and emerging psychological research are an unbelievably rich resource of wisdom and guidance to support us to build a robust and integrated way of living from the inside out.
The modern workplace and societal pressures create an unprecedented set of challenges for us to navigate our professional and personal lives.
Leading ourselves well ensures:
We live life on track, aligned with our own values, vision and our ‘why’ clearly at centre stage.
We live in alignment with our health and wellbeing - physical and mental wellbeing
We live freer of negative friction and squandered potential that has been plaguing women for decades.
We live with enough energy to not just meet our high standards, but to positively influence the world around us in ways that express our deepest values.
Details for this innovative 10-month program are currently being finalised and will be live asap.

Webinar: Are you leading yourself well?
Are you leading yourself well?
Many people have shared that they haven’t gained the usual restoration and relaxation, we have come to expect from the December – January period.
I can relate to this and am really keen to apply my self-leadership skills to ensure 2021 sees me thriving more than surviving. 2020 saw so many of us focussed on adapting work practices, providing more care and attention to family and friends.
The end result of this – less time paying attention to our own priorities and self-care. Too much attention out and not enough reflective connection with ourselves.
As we move into 2021, it is a great time to shift gears to a more empowered and inspired way of being and living.
How we relate to and lead ourselves may be one of the few things we can truly control and influence in our present situation. Although we look for exceptional leadership from others, we often overlook being the best leaders to ourselves.
Empowering, transformative self-leadership would have to be one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.
It can significantly change the quality of your life, and it is not as hard as we think.
Some useful questions to consider:
How do you currently lead yourself?
How would you like your ideal leader to lead you?
What is similar and what is different about ideal leadership and your own self-leadership?
Could you benefit from a clearer framework for self-leadership?
If so, join me in a free webinar where I will explore some key concepts in self-leadership drawn from my book 'Leading Above the Line' and provide some tips that can help you enhance your self-leadership practices.
Webinar details
Join my 45 minute free webinar.
Date: Tuesday 9 February
Time: 4.15pm - 5.00pm
Join the webinar by clicking the button below and registering. The webinar will be recorded for those who are unable to make it on the day.

Leading above the Line : Online Book Launch
Leading Above the Line: Applying neuroscience to build psychologically safe and thriving teams is about leading yourself, your employees and your teams above the line.
This book outlines Michelle’s game-changing approach to address many of the complex workplace issues impacting the contemporary workforce.
If we are genuinely committed to employees doing their best work, fulfilling potential, achieving peak performance and thriving we must create positive workplace ecosystems to make that happen.
Never before have the importance of human relationships and the interpersonal climate we collectively create, been more critical to our professional lives and to an organisation’s success.On Wednesday 25 November the long awaited first book by Michelle will be launched online via zoom.
The book launch will be a celebration of above-the-line leadership!
Four wonderful leaders, who all are exemplary roles models of Above-the-Line Leadership, will be speaking.
They will share with you their wisdom as to why leading above the line is important and what steps they take to lead themselves, their staff and their teams above the line.
I'm thrilled to announce the speakers are:
* Jenni Richardson, Clinical Services Manager at Safesteps
* Debbie Gabreal, Head of Customer Relations at QBE
* Dr Donovan Moncur, Consultant Psychiatrist at Alfred Health & Head of Psychiatry at Peter MacCallum
* Kate Moore, Clinical Director and Owner at Moore Rehab
Please join us for this wonderful celebration of Above-the-Line Leadership!
More about the book
To read more and pre-order your copy please click the button below
Leading yourself into a Thriving Decade
Leading yourself into a thriving decade
Two x half day workshops
- Wednesday 22 April (9am-12noon)
- Thursday 23 April (9am-12noon)
How well do you lead yourself?
We all look for exceptional leadership externally but neglect being the best leaders to ourselves.
Most of us have never been given a clear approach to lead ourselves well, or had role models that demonstrate inspiring self-leadership.
It’s vital to take the time to build the necessary frameworks and skills for strong self-leadership and become a more empowered professional.
In today’s complex workplace experiencing continual change and challenge, leaders and employees benefit from developing superior self-leadership and self-management skills to maximise their potential and to contribute productively to their professional and personal lives.
You can’t lead others, if you can’t lead yourself
Although familiar with the concept of leading others, leading oneself can be a game-changer.
‘When people become empowered self-leaders, they’re proactive self-starters who look for ways to make your organisation flourish.’ Susan Fowler
This presentation will provide practical insights and strategies informed by the latest research in neuroscience, psychology, emotional intelligence, as well as Michelle’s extensive experience and pioneering work in the area of self-leadership.
How do we lead ourselves through optimising our strengths, maximising potential and create a presence that inspires others and contributes to a positive work environment?
Building skills and strategies for increasing personal agency through self- awareness, self-leadership and self-management
Building autonomy and empowerment to manage workload and productivity
Apply understanding of the brain to manage yourself and enhance your professional and personal bandwidth
Exploring the personal, professional and workplace ramifications of not leading or managing yourself well
Michelle Bihary leads this powerful, practical and engaging program to help you drive your career more confidently by bringing together her wisdom of more than 30 years’ experience in leadership, neuroscience, emotional intelligence, mental health, positive psychology, resilience, coaching and mentoring.
Surrounded by like-minded women experiencing similar challenges this immersive workshop also provides workbooks, access to resources as well as a gourmet lunch, morning and afternoon tea.

Webinar: Are you feeling NARKY?
Are you feeling NARKY?
Our emotional and mental wellbeing is being sorely tested as we move through our days. Even the most level-headed people can find it hard to focus and concentrate, being unusually narky or feeling quite overwhelmed. Perhaps we can be more N A R K Y!
N ormalise
A ccept
R eset and Relax
K indness
Y our needs
Join me as I explore some keys to coping with the overwhelm you may be experiencing.
Webinar details
Date: Thursday 9 April 2020
Time: 12-12.30pm
To register for the free webinar please click the button below. The webinar will be recorded for those who are unable to make it on the day, and a recording sent to you.

CPA Business Luncheon - Maintaining a positive focus
The power that we each have to invest in our mental and psychological wellbeing can be game-changing. The 21st century workplace challenges us to build vital skills and strategies that help us invest in our mental and emotional health and maintain an optimistic outlook.
This presentation will provide practical insights and strategies informed by the latest research in neuroscience, psychology, emotional intelligence, as well as Michelle’s extensive experience and pioneering work in the area of self-leadership.
What strategies can we use to help us maintain a positive focus and an emotional state of wellbeing?
How do we lead ourselves to create a presence that inspires others and contributes to a positive work environment?
What approaches can we use to move us out of mental outlook where our feelings are generally negative (feeling depressed or anxious) to a more positive mental focussed attitude and emotional state?

Webinar: From Overwhelmed to Optimised
Are you aware that being an effective leader to yourself is a game-changer?
Would you benefit from reducing overwhelm and navigate your demands more effectively?
Would you like to shift from overwhelm (or obliterated) to optimal?
The Self Leadership Ladder
Impact on self Impact on colleagues
Optimised Empowered Amplifier
On the ball Engaged Encourager
Okay Mediocre Neutral
Overwhelmed Tired Draining
Obliterated Shattered Toxic
From Overwhelmed to Optimal
Shifting up the ladder to a more optimal way of living, being and working is possible with a clear roadmap. Michelle has spoken with many thousands of professionals about the barriers that contribute to overwhelm and has used the latest research and neuroscience to create a life changing approach to self-leadership.
Webinar details
Join Michelle’s free 40 minute webinar if you’re keen to gain some tips to help you move up the self-leadership ladder.
Date: Tuesday 3 March 2020
Time: 12-12.40pm
To register for the free webinar please click the button below. The webinar will be recorded for those who are unable to make it on the day, and a recording sent to you.
CPA Business Luncheon - Feeling empowered, positive focus and wellbeing
The power that we each have to invest in our mental and psychological wellbeing can be game-changing. The 21st century workplace challenges us to build vital skills and strategies that help us invest in our mental and emotional health and maintain an optimistic outlook.
This presentation will provide practical insights and strategies informed by the latest research in neuroscience, psychology, emotional intelligence, as well as Michelle’s extensive experience and pioneering work in the area of self-leadership.
What strategies can we use to help us maintain a positive focus and an emotional state of wellbeing?
How do we lead ourselves to create a presence that inspires others and contributes to a positive work environment?
What approaches can we use to move us out of mental outlook where our feelings are generally negative (feeling depressed or anxious) to a more positive mental focussed attitude and emotional state?
ProFresh Leading Ladies - resilience breakfast
Not only will you enjoy a delicious breakfast and make new connections, you’ll come away with:
practical strategies to help you sustain peak performance through maintaining resilience, psychological flexibility and mental wellbeing
tips on how to be resilient at work
the way our brains function and how to harness this to your professional advantage
practical strategies to help you and your colleagues build a thriving workplace eco-system.
Those eligible will receive 1 CPD point for Professional Skills.

Allied Health Forum 2019 - Self-Leadership & Resilience
Michelle was a keynote speaker at this important conference. Her presentation focused on the importance of self-leadership and resilience in today’s allied health environment…
In today’s complex healthcare context, the capacity to thrive at work and maximise our potential and contribute productively has never been more challenged. Allied health professionals increasingly need sophisticated skills in resilience and self- leadership to maintain a fulfilling personal and professional life, and sustainable career.
Key elements of the presentation:
Explore a framework to assist employees to thrive at work, including energy management
Understanding ways to bring your best self to your personal and professional life, through self-awareness and self-leadership
Strategies to optimise cognitive and psychological agility
Recognise the ways workplaces can support workforce performance and wellbeing
This presentation is an integration of leading research in neuroscience, neuroplasticity, interpersonal neurobiology, self compassion, emotional intelligence, resilience and contemporary leadership.
For further information please follow this link

CPA Congress: Masterclass and Concurrent Session
Michelle has been invited to run a master class and concurrent session at the 2019 Melbourne CPA Congress. Outlined below are the session details and link to register for the event.
Topic: Beyond Resilience: How far do employees have to stretch?
Do leaders expect employees to build resilience to cope with unreasonable demands and expectations?
How do we optimise productivity and performance with employee wellbeing?
Explore what makes workplaces psychologically safe and mentally healthy and what more we can be doing to achieve this.
Concurrent session
Topic: Thriving at work and why mental wellbeing matters
When it comes to health, it’s often said that prevention is better than cure. So, what are some practical ways to develop mental wellbeing for you and your workforce? In this session, Michelle will:
Outline the continuum of thriving, mental health and wellbeing
Provide scientifically developed and yet simple strategies to enhance the mental health and wellbeing of your workforce
Highlight the practical learnings from workplace research that maximises both productivity and staff wellbeing.
To register for the Congress please follow this link

ALPMA Summit: Leadership for a Peak Performance Future
Leadership for a Peak Performance Future
Plenary session as part of the ALPMA Summit 2019
Aligning organisational success with employee potential, productivity and wellbeing is at the forefront of every modern workplace. Savvy leaders in the professional services industry are embracing their innovative environment, learning how to engage their teams to thrive through change, rather than feel overwhelmed by it.
In high-pressure, continually changing and challenging environments, all staff benefit from developing superior self-leadership and self-management skills to drive their own performance, maintain wellbeing and contribute productively to their team.
Michelle will provide insights into deepening skills in self-awareness, self-leadership and self-management so managers can give staff a productivity edge. Practical examples of transformative leadership styles that maximise peak performance and utilise neuroscience illustrate the easy to implement ways to ensure employees are functioning cognitively and psychologically at their peak.
To register follow this link

Building Self Leadership Skills - Step Out of Doing and into Leading
Emerging leaders can struggle with the important step up from doing the work to delegating and building capacity in their team.
Moving from a reactive, hands on manager to an inspirational leader takes awareness, consideration and a shift in mindset and perspective. It involves learning new skills, awareness and openness to ongoing professional development.
Expanding the lens from doing to relating and self-leading, ensures leaders bring the interpersonal skills into focus for achieving organisational outcomes.
This workshop is designed for emerging leaders or current managers ready to step out of doing and into leading.
The workshop includes:
Designing your future including yourself, your systems and your team to strengthen relationships, experiences and commitment in the group.
A central theme of this half day program is to build self-leadership and explore the interpersonal skills necessary for leadership success.
The Creative
Level 12, Melbourne Central Tower 360 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

HPara Conference
Keynote Presentation - ‘Creating Psychologically Safe Health Services’

Department of Education Queensland State Conference
Keynote Presentation - Untapped Potential: Maximising Learning in Professional Supervision
Workshop - Professional Resilience: The Essential Superpower for a Thriving Career

OT Week DHHS - Warrnambool
Keynote Presentation - Self Leadership for thriving professionals

OT Australia Private Practice National Symposium
Keynote Presentation - Resilience in a competitive, changing world

OT Australia Private Practice National Symposium
Keynote Presentation - Resilience in a competitive, changing world